Last updated 2/8/25

Database Resources for Researchers

Access to Public Datasets: If your research relies on publicly available datasets hosted by a federal agency website, to the extent permissible under the terms of access, consider downloading the set locally to enable continued access or contact colleagues who may have already done so. Please contact to find avenues for data storage, sharing, publication while following application guidelines, policies, copyright, and laws.

If material has already been removed, below are some available resources where you may be able to locate copies. This list is not comprehensive. For more information on and support with dealing with all aspects of datasets, visit the UChicago Library’s research data guides. Additional resources for guidance can also be found at the MIT’s guidelines and a checklist for US Federal Backups site and privacy guidance to consider: Guidance on Privacy Framework.


  1. Internet Archive
  2. The End of Term Web Archive preserves websites (and datasets) from administration changes in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. They are currently working on the 2024 changes. We are unsure at this point whether they have been able to capture datasets ending January 19, 2025.
  3. CDC datasets on the Internet Archive as of January 28, 2025
  4. The Data Liberation Project has been publishing government datasets “of public interest” from 2023 through September 2024
  5. Harvard’s Library Innovation Lab (future resource)
  6. IPUMS (Integrated Public Use Microdata Series) data remain available: US and International Census data, Population Survey microdata, Global health, NHGIS, IHGIS, Time Use, Health Surveys (NHIS, MEPS), Higher Ed (science and engineering workforce).
  7. Climate Change and Health Research Coordinating Center (CAFE) Collection
  8. Safeguarding Research
  9. Public Environmental Data Partners
  10. ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research)
  11. Dryad
  12. Open Energy Data Initiative
  13. UChicago’s Pediatric Cancer Data Commons.Website and Data Portal
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