Policies & Compliance
Research Related Policies
Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment
As a faculty member or other academic appointee, you are required to file annually a Conflict of Interest-Conflict of Commitment Disclosure. Learn more about conflict of interest and conflict of commitment policies, regulations and processes.
Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Polsky Center manages all technology transfer activities at the University of Chicago and is the central resource for transforming your groundbreaking ideas and discoveries into new products, services, and ventures.
Revenue Sharing Policy
Revenue received from licensing intellectual property is shared with University inventors or authors in accordance with the Revenue Share Policy.
Export Controls
Although most research conducted on campus is not subject to export control restrictions, it is important for the University community to be aware of when activities may potentially become controlled.
Consulting Relationships
Refer to the Polsky Center’s Consulting Agreements Guide to learn more about engaging in consulting relationships with commercial enterprises.
Institutional Biosafety Committee
The IBC is responsible for review, approval and surveillance of all research protocols at the University of Chicago involving the use of biohazardous materials including recombinant DNA, agents infectious to humans, animals or plants, and other genetically altered organisms and agents.
Animal Use in Research
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee conducts review and surveillance of all research and teaching protocols involving the use of animals at the University of Chicago to assure the humane care and use of animals in these protocols.
Protection for Human Subjects
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) protects the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in research activities. If you are not sure whether your project is human subjects research under the IRB regulations, please contact the relevant IRB office for guidance.